Piave Mezzano | Cheese shop | 500gr - ItalianMart
Piave Mezzano | Cheese shop | 500gr - ItalianMart

Piave Mezzano | Cheese shop | 500gr

Regular price $24.49 Sale

  • Piave Mezzano | Cheese shop | 500gr

    Piave Mezzano D.O.P.
    What kind of cheese is Piave?

    Cheese shop

    Cow's milk cheese

    Piave Vecchio is a pasteurized cow's milk cheese from the Veneto region of Italy. Aged for at least 12 months, it is similar to Parmigiano Reggiano, but its texture is more tender and supple, making it delightful to eat straight.

    Italian grocery store

    Piave is a deliciously nutty, pasteurized cow's milk cheese from the Veneto in northern Italy. It has a concentrated sweet, crystalline paste with a full, tropical fruit flavor and slight almond bitterness
  • Italian Cheese
  • Product of Italy