La Molisana | Spaghetto Quadrato | 450g - ItalianMart

La Molisana | Spaghetto Quadrato | 450g

Regular price $2.49 Sale

  • La Molisana | Spaghetto Quadrato |  450g

  • Please click HERE to see the rest of our Italian Pasta collection
  • La Molisana is distinguished by its perfectly squared shape, which makes it one-of-a-kind and unmistakable, all you have to do is try it!
  • Add Romano cheese and  Italian sauces along with Spaghetto quadrato to make satisfying pasta. 
  • Best Italian Pasta

  • La Molisana is specialized in making the best pasta by using the first in class wheat.
  • For grocery delivery Toronto and other Italian food products, choose our Italian supermarket.
  • Check out the recipes from the house of La Molisana